Panama: Travel Industry Update No. 2


June 9, 2020

Panama gradually begins reopening stages

On behalf of PROMTUR Panamá, the country’s Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), we hope that this letter finds you and your country of residence closer to stabilization and that you are taking care of yourselves and families, knowing that PANAMA’s Destination team will be ready to greet you as soon as international travel bans are uplifted.

Through these updates and until we meet virtually or in person, we want to keep you informed of the measures taken by Panama and our industry with regards to the worldwide emergency due to the coronavirus.

Travel Readiness

Panama’s early preparation, response and innovative measures have resulted in a descent in the spread of the virus when the health system had reached 60% of its capacity. After almost 80 days of general lockdown, strict citizen circulation measures will remain until further notice, while labor restrictions are uplifted gradually.

Panama’s Ministry of Labor has presented the protocol for the gradual reopening of commercial activities, stores, administrative services and public spaces, including biosafety measures, mandatory use of face masks, social distancing protocols and capacity limits, in order to maintain high standards of sanitation for the population, and eventually visitors. Labor and commercial activities have begun by phases with tourism activities on Phase 4:

Phase 1: started on May 13th, e-commerce, mechanical workshops, spare parts, technical services, industrial fishing, and aquaculture reopening was allowed in the first phase.

Phase 2: starting on June 1st included the reopening of the prioritized public infrastructure construction sector, non-metallic mining and industry, and religious services and sports activities under social distancing conditions (following the circulation schedules).

Phase 3: date to be determined, includes non-essential wholesale and retail trade, car sales, private construction projects, and general administrative services.

Phase 4: Includes international air transportation beginning in late June, tentatively, while hotel and restaurants’ reopening date is still to be determined.

Reopening of international flights operation is scheduled to begin on June 26, 2020. Copa Airlines announced their first 23 destination routes with daily flights.

First flight will be on Saturday, July 18, 2020, with two weekly frequencies on Tuesday and Saturdays

Route: Madrid, Spain - Panama City, Panamá

First flight is scheduled for Friday, July 3, 2020, with two weekly frequencies, Tuesday and Fridays

Route: Madrid, Spain - Panama City, Panamá

Phase 5: date to be determined, includes education centers, recreational transportation, sports leagues, and recreation facilities.

Phase 6: date to be determined, includes reopening of all sectors of the economy with reduced sanitary restrictions, concerts, and crowded events (public and private).

COVID-19 Humanitarian Response

As the Humanitarian Hub for the United Nations and the International Red Cross Federation for 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Panamanian Logistical Platform, the only one of its kind in the region and sixth in the world, is still serving as a medical storage and provisions facility with a service level of 48 hours to any country in the region for the COVID-19 humanitarian response.

Thanks to our privileged geographic position and air-maritime connectivity, the Humanitarian Hub of Panama has offered various services, such as repatriation passenger movement, international cruise ship crew changes, reception, and distribution of supplies.

We are determined to keep everyone safe. We are getting ready to welcome you as soon as possible and available to follow through on conversations regarding all your travel needs.